Beacon Press: Taking a Chance on God
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Taking a Chance on God

Liberating Theology for Gays, Lesbians, and Their Lovers, Families, and Friends

Author: John J. McNeill

The second book in John McNeill’s pathbreaking trilogy for lesbian and gay Christians, Taking a Chance on God brings a gay perspective to fundamental Christian questions: How can we understand suffering and death? How can we overcome fear, anger, and guilt? What gifts do we bring to the body of Christ?
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“Because McNeill draws most of his examples from his gay and lesbian experience, this book will speak most directly to lesbian and gay Christians, our friends, and families. But was with all good theology, it transcends the boundaries of its target audience. McNeill addresses universal questions. All Christians should find his reflections hopeful. So take a chance on John McNeill and read Taking a Chance on God
—John Linscheid, The Other Side

“McNeill draws on the insights of the gay and lesbian liberation movement, his counseling experience with lesbian and gay people, and a variety of faith traditions—Catholic, mainstream Protestant, Evangelical and other world religions—to produce a unique, comprehensive, life-giving ethic.” —Equal Time

Taking a Chance on God offers insights into human relationships and human health from which all persons, whether homosexual or heterosexual, can learn.” —America

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Taking a Chance on God

ISBN: 978-080707945-4
Publication Date: 5/1/1996
Pages: 240
Size: x 8 Inches (US)
Price:  $21.00
Format: Paperback
Availability: In stock.